Sunday, February 4, 2007
What's Missing From Modern Physics:
Common Sense (& Revised Electromagnetism)
From the BBC, a thin (or brutally edited) though fascinating article ostensibly concerning the Plank satellite, an ESA venture to map the universe's cosmic microwave background radiation, or CMB. However, what makes the piece so interesting is the straightforward view of the present state of knowledge of the universe it offers.
To wit:
The universe is essentially flat.
After having expanded enormously in the early stages after the Big Bang (known as Inflation), it slowed, but its expansion is again accelerating.
Only 4% of the matter in the universe is visible. 73% is composed of Dark Energy and 23% is Dark Matter. Their existence is surmised from indirect detection.
No one knows the true nature of either dark energy or dark matter, though one group hews to Einstein's Cosmological constant as the explanation for dark energy--"a constant energy density which fills space homogeneously."
The second proposition is that "dark energy is a dynamic field, called quintessence, whose energy density varies in time and space."
My bet is squarely on what they've so coyly named "quintessence," but the nature of dark energy is not that great a mystery--but now I'm getting ahead of myself.
The problem with Einstein's "theory" is that it isn't a theory at all but the misapplication of a derivative sum by later, lesser lights. One thing I know about reality, from the quantum to the universal level: Only abstractions are perfect. I just can't imagine anything in the physical universe that is both constant and homogeneous, other than an immaterial construct such as a law. Certainly not an energy field of whatever exotic structure. However I wouldn't be surprised if indeed, in its totality, that Dark Energy conforms to Einstein's Cosmological constant. But more fundamentally, this explanation is pure tautological sophistry and a desperate attempt to invoke Einstein to cover a pathetic non-theory, as it simply puts off a real explanation by labeling an unknown the very constant that Einstein himself created to define that unknown.
Super-Deep, Imponderable Mysteries--Really?
Perhaps I'm being hopelessly naive or obtuse here, but isn't this unfathomable "quintessence" of "Dark Energy" simply the "radiant energy" that Nikola Tesla proved animates the void of space? I.e, his understanding of electromagnetism? And Maxwell's original understanding as well? A century ago, Tesla had machines running that drew their energy from this very source.
Tom Beardon was the first to posit this theory of Dark Energy, and has explained that Maxwell's thirty-odd original EM equations predicted such energies, which were then fudged away when Heaviside perverted them into the four bastardized equations that are the sorry foundations for today's understanding of EM. Tesla understood the true nature of electromagnetism, which jived perfectly with Maxwell's original equations, and though not a great theorist, he was a practical and mechanical genius of the highest order, and his machines and patents all testify to his understanding that "space" or "the void" is in fact coursing with EM energy. Tesla was simply tapping into the cosmic power grid.
Why, you ask, can't this energy be detected? According to Tesla, it can, but that we are looking for it in the wrong place: These EM waves, being longitudinal, not transversal as Maxwell's corrupted theory posits, simply go undetected. Where are the machines? Click here to read the dark history of government confiscation of wayward inventions.
Finding a Unified Field Theory will demand a complete reappraisal of Electromagnetism and its re-incorporation into Physics. Until that occurs, physicists will continue to give silly, Harry-Potterish names--"Dark Energy," "quintessence"--to mis-defined and misunderstood EM phenomenon that scientists over a century ago had already discovered, experimented with, and written theoretical equations to explain. Unfortunately, most physicists don't know a thing about electromagnetism; and the last person who truly understood it--Tesla--was ridiculed and marginalized to serve the parochial interests of the financiers (Morgan, above all) at the dawn of the electrical age.
Redeem Tesla, rediscover and analyze Maxwell's original writings and equations, and you will go very far--not only in understanding our universe, but also in the very practical and vital work of saving this world through abundant, non-polluting energy generation "from the void."
Why hasn't this happened? For the scientists, pure ignorance and parochialism, aided and abetted by government and industry committed to death to the status quo. However much they proclaim their freedom, academics are a sheepish bunch loathe to undertake unconventional inquiry, and are absolutely petrified of being ridiculed by their peers. It's worse than high school. Actually, it's a continuation of it.
And on the practical level, to re-introduce these theories would show that the central pillar of the world economy--energy--and all the myriad financial and political interests impinging upon it--was built upon deliberate lies and omissions, and could be easily overturned. But that is a subject for another post.
Monday, January 29, 2007
You Know You're In Trouble When...
This is truly scary.
Gary Wills, arch Old-Guard Conservative (with a capital C) and NY Times op-ed columnist, has seen the light about the American police state. When Wills raises the alarm, you know we're really in trouble.
Please read the entire article; it is more than worth your time.
I'll just post a few excerpts here, though I'd like to repost the entire essay:
When Abraham Lincoln took actions based on military considerations, he gave himself the proper title, “commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.” That title is rarely — more like never — heard today. It is just “commander in chief,” or even “commander in chief of the United States.” This reflects the increasing militarization of our politics. The citizenry at large is now thought of as under military discipline. In wartime, it is true, people submit to the national leadership more than in peacetime. The executive branch takes actions in secret, unaccountable to the electorate, to hide its moves from the enemy and protect national secrets. Constitutional shortcuts are taken “for the duration.” But those impositions are removed when normal life returns.
But we have not seen normal life in 66 years. The wartime discipline imposed in 1941 has never been lifted, and “the duration” has become the norm. World War II melded into the cold war, with greater secrecy than ever — more classified information, tougher security clearances. And now the cold war has modulated into the war on terrorism.
There has never been an executive branch more fetishistic about secrecy than the Bush-Cheney one. The secrecy has been used to throw a veil over detentions, “renditions,” suspension of the Geneva Conventions and of habeas corpus, torture and warrantless wiretaps. We hear again the refrain so common in the other wars — If you knew what we know, you would see how justified all our actions are.
But we can never know what they know. We do not have sufficient clearance.
The United States of America has been governed under a "State of Emergency" for over thirty years. Bet you didn't know that. But I bet you can guess what kind of powers that allows the executive.
Home of the free? Don't make me laugh--or cry.
A note on the photo: Yes, the badge is real. FEMA is a national police agency. Welcome to 1984 folks, just a few decades late, is all. (And by the way, the triangle in a circle above the eagle is, you guessed, it, an occult symbol.)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Chilling Prescience: Jim Garrison Speaks, 1967
Here I cede the floor to a remarkable man, whose words should not be lost.
Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison was District Attorney for New Orleans, and placed local businessman Clay Bertrand on trial for conspiracy in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He is the focus of Oliver Stone's film, JFK. From a Playboy interview in 1967:
PLAYBOY: Many of the professional critics of the Warren Commission appear to be prompted by political motives: Those on the left are anxious to prove Kennedy was murdered by a internal conspiracy within the establishment; and those on the right are eager to prove the assassination was an act of "the international Communist conspiracy." Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum--right, left or center?
JIM GARRISON: That's a question I've asked myself frequently, especially since this investigation started and I found myself in an incongruous and disillusioning battle with agencies of my own Government. I can't just sit down and add up my political beliefs like a mathematical sum, but I think, in balance, I'd turn up somewhere around the middle. Over the years, I guess I've developed a somewhat conservative attitude--in the traditional libertarian sense of conservatism, as opposed to the thumbscrew-and-rack conservatism of the paramilitary right--particularly in regard to the importance of the individual as opposed to the State and the individual's own responsibilities to humanity . . .
I was with the artillery supporting the division that took Dachau; I arrived there the day after it was taken, when bulldozers were making pyramids of human bodies outside the camp. What I saw there has haunted me ever since. Because the law is my profession, I've always wondered about the judges throughout Germany who sentenced men to jail for picking pockets at a time when their own government was jerking gold from the teeth of men murdered in gas chambers. I'm concerned about all of this because it isn't a German phenomenon; it's a human phenomenon. It can happen here, because there has been no change, there has been no progress and there has been no increase of understanding on the part of men for their fellow men.
What worries me deeply, and I have seen it exemplified in this case, is that we in America are in great danger of slowly eroding into a proto-fascist state. It will be a different kind of fascist state from the one the Germans evolved; theirs grew out of depression and promised bread and work, while ours, curiously enough, seems to be emerging from prosperity. But in the final analysis, it's based on power and on the inability to put human goals and human conscience above the dictates of the State. Its origins can be traced in the tremendous war machine we've built since 1945, the "military-industrial complex" that Eisenhower vainly warned us about, which now dominates every aspect of our life. The power of the states and the Congress has gradually been abandoned to the Executive Department, because of war conditions; and we've seen the creation of an arrogant, swollen bureaucratic complex totally unfettered by the checks and balances of the Constitution.
In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can't spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can't look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won't be there. We won't build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line. We're not going to wake up one morning and suddenly find ourselves in gray uniforms goose-stepping off to work.
About the photo: Paramilitary police attacking lawful demonstrators protesting against the Free Trade Area of the Americas pact (FTAA) in November of 2003 in Miami.
But this isn't the test. The test is: What happens to the individual who dissents? In Nazi Germany, he was physically destroyed; here the internal process is more subtle, but the end results are the same. I've learned enough about the machinations of the CIA in the past year to know that this is no longer the internal dreamworld America I once believed in. The imperatives of the population explosion, which almost inevitably will lessen our belief in the sanctity of the individual human life, combined with the awesome power of the CIA and the defense establishment, seem destined to seal the fate of the America I knew as a child and bring us into a new Orwellian world where the citizen exists for the State and where raw power justifies any and every immoral act.
I've always had a kind of knee-jerk trust in my Government's basic integrity, whatever political blunders it may make. But I've come to realize that in Washington, deceiving and manipulating the public are viewed by some as the natural prerogatives of office. Huey Long once said, "Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism." I'm afraid, based on my own long experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Dr. Evil: Rumsfeld, $2.3 Trillion and 9/11
Here's a staggering bit of recent history that should not be allowed to disappear down the memory hole: On September 10, 2001--yes, that is one day before 9/11--Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that, "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."
I'll be brief here. A few obvious points:
What better way to hide such an outrageous revelation in plain sight than announcing it on the eve of 9/11? The result: Only one major news outlet, CBS News, reported the story. Yet more proof of the conspiracy, if any was needed.
All that money didn't just disappear, nor was it all siphoned off in corruption. This is the cost of our black-ops programs. That means, for the 10-year period of the accounting inquiry, that the Pentagon is spending half the amount in black programs that it does with those officially budgeted, currently some $450 billion per year. And this has been going on since Truman. Let your imagination run free with what they've developed with all that cash.
Also, all those F-22s and submarines and toilet seats don't cost the amounts the Pentagon attributes to them either. They're inflated by at least a quarter, if not by half, with that money also going into black-ops programs. This of course explains why those Humvees in Iraq aren't properly armored, among other things.
Finally, why isn't anyone paying attention? Why no outraged calls for oversight, no moves to reform this mess? Well I know why, just thought I'd play the naif to wrap it up.
Oh, and one last thing: now you know why that manifestly incompetent and sinister nutjob hung on so long.
Numerology IX XI
I've been thinking a lot about 9/11 recently, as prior posts attest, and a few things I've long noted, but haven't written about yet, are relevant here.
Thanks to Alex Jones, we know that every year, Bohemian Grove opens not with a barbecue, but with a mock-human sacrificial rite to a huge stone owl, i.e., Molloch. Bohemian Grove is where every President since Hoover has gone to hobnob with the US power elite during summer vacation, deep in the California Redwoods. (Actually, if they had their way it would indeed be a barbecue and I could drop the "mock"). Sacrificial rituals to Babylonian owl-gods: This is obviously no run-of-the-mill power junket like Davos, so just WTF is going on here?
First, a disturbing fraction of the people who run our world--and here I mean the few thousands who really run our world--are involved in secret societies, freemasonry, the ancient mystery schools, the occult, and Luciferianism.
I.e., they're not Christian, agnostic, or any mainstream religion for that matter, but rather have a disturbing propensity to intersect with death cults and the occult--those who worship the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian gods of Isis/Osiris, Molloch and the like, as well as Lucifer (the Light Bearer and God's rival, who is claimed to be revealed to 33rd degree and higher Freemasons and Bonesmen, which too many major Anglo-American politicians just happen to be--for example Bush father and son, and for equal time, John Kerry to boot).
All this by way of introduction: These people are not like you or me. And it's not because they're rich in the Hemingway sense. They believe in spiritualism and the occult, demons and the Devil, rite and ritual, astrology and numerology. Even if they do not, they accept and acquiesce to these perverted beliefs to gain entry to--and be beholden to--real power. They are privy to the ancient lore guarded by the secret societies, and are indoctrinated using ancient rituals and blood oaths.
We are deep into Twilight Zone territory here, and I just want you to know that I don't believe that these rites and beliefs are either sane or defensible, but nonetheless (these are secret societies, after all) there is more than enough disconcerting evidence to prove these people are involved in some remarkably unsettling practices.
Back to topic: numerology 9/11. My point is, these people believe that rites and rituals, special auguries and synchronicities--the invocation of spirits and demons--will assure their plans of success. Circles and pentagrams, signs and numbers, hidden talismans bring them power. Nancy Reagan was a dilettante in comparison.
So let's look at some weird coincidences about that oh-so-coincidence-filled day.
Why 9/11? Well yes, the obvious reference to 911 emergency telephone lines. But what is the numerological significance?
Nine: "The number 9 symbolizes the principle of a universal philosophy or consciousness." So far, rather neutral. But to occultists, "the number nine is the number of 'the earth under evil influences.'"
The day itself, the moment of action, is even more interesting:
Eleven is a higher octave of the number two and is considered to be a master number (the second being 22). 11 is considered the path of spiritual awareness and knowledge beyond the grasp of others. It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. It is also related to open-mindedness, intuition, idealism, and visions. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.
Delightfully for the occultists among us, 911 is numerologically recursive: 9+1+1=11, leading us back to eleven. It's even better in Roman numerals: IX XI. And weren't the Twin Towers themselves the biggest "11" in the world?
Ok, now we're on to something. What else happened on September 11? Well, funny you should ask. On September 11, 1990--exactly 11 years to the day before 9/11, what a coincidence!--President George H.W. Bush gave his infamous "Towards a New World Order" speech. NWO? Tinfoil hat territory, I know. But here's what Papi Bush--that 1960s-era CIA agent and Bay-of-Pigs conspirator had to say, before a joint session of Congress, on the eve of the first Gulf War:
We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a New World Order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known.
The motto of freemasonry is Ordo ab Chao, Order from Chaos. And what exactly did President Bush (Illuminatus and Bonesman) say? "The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a New World Order -- can emerge." That sounds pretty much like Order from Chaos, doesn't it?
In fact, Bush pere was so enamored of this and other tinfoil-hat phrases (and he is certainly not alone) that he gave another speech, before the UN on October 1, 1999 during which he said, "The year 2000 marks a turning point, beginning the turn of the millennium...The United Nations can help bring about a new press forward to cap an historic movement towards 'A New World Order.'"
And don't even get me started on what "cap" means.
Just so you don't think I'm Bush-obsessed, let's hear what Papi's new pal has to say. President Bill Clinton gave these remarks on 26 February 2006: "There's a new world struggling to be born," he says with a slightly evangelical smile. "Don't get caught up in the latest firestorm."
Is there an echo in here? Okay, enough. I'm not even going to touch "firestorm."
All true. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Know Your Corporate Puppets:
Newly Updated Senate List
From Bob Geiger, the Senate backers (GOPers all) of a measure to entirely eliminate the Federal Minimum Wage:
* Alexander (R-TN)White. Male. Republican. Over 50. Flag lapel pins. Southern. Corporate sellouts all.
* Allard (R-CO)
* Bennett (R-UT)
* Bond (R-MO)
* Brownback (R-KS)
* Bunning (R-KY)
* Burr (R-NC)
* Chambliss (R-GA)
* Coburn (R-OK)
* Cochran (R-MS)
* Cornyn (R-TX)
* Craig (R-ID)
* Crapo (R-ID)
* DeMint (R-SC)
* Ensign (R-NV)
* Enzi (R-WY)
* Graham (R-SC)
* Gregg (R-NH)
* Hagel (R-NE)
* Hatch (R-UT)
* Inhofe (R-OK)
* Isakson (R-GA)
* Kyl (R-AZ)
* Lott (R-MS)
* McCain (R-AZ)
* McConnell (R-KY)
* Sununu (R-NH)
* Thomas (R-WY)
Know your enemy.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
The New Crowd Control: Shake & Bake
Via the BBC, the Pentagon unveils two new weapons: a mobile, heat-producing ray gun which can be mounted on a Humvee, and a super-slick, spray-on polymer that reduces traction and is nicknamed "Black Ice."
First, the slip-up:
The plastic-like substance, the brainchild of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), would be used to force slip-ups from enemies....officials point out that "to get from point A to point B, one must have sufficient traction with the ground".
Einstein himself couldn't have put it better.
Then, fry them:
The weapon - called the Active Denial System [and known in the Pentagon by the Orwellian appellation, "Silent Guardian"] - projects an invisible high energy beam that produces a sudden burning feeling, but is harmless.
Military officials believe the gun [which has a range of 550 yards] could be used as a non-lethal way of making enemies surrender their weapons.
And just who are these weapons developed against?
--The [heat-ray] weapon could potentially be used for dispersing hostile crowds in conflict zones such as Iraq or Afghanistan.
--The "polymer ice" would be designed for hot, arid environments, "as found in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Uh huh. Sure.
I'm particularly convinced that black ice will be especially effective in unpaved, desert terrain.
So, next time you plan to protest in Washington, remember to pack SPF 30 tanning lotion and football cleats.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Dept. of It Takes One to Know One
Via today's White House Briefing by Dan Froomkin at the Washington Post, and CNN's Situation Room, via Crooks & Liars, the BBC reports:
Iran offered the US a package of concessions in 2003, but it was rejected, a senior former US official has told the BBC's Newsnight programme.You'd almost think President Vader wants confrontation with Iran, wouldn't you?
Tehran proposed ending support for Lebanese and Palestinian militant groups and helping to stabilise Iraq following the US-led invasion. "Offers, including making its nuclear programme more transparent, were conditional on the US ending hostility.
But Vice-President Dick Cheney's office rejected the plan, the official said. . . .
"We thought it was a very propitious moment to do that," Lawrence Wilkerson told Newsnight.
"But as soon as it got to the White House, and as soon as it got to the Vice-President's office, the old mantra of 'We don't talk to evil' . . . reasserted itself.
It Could Never Happen Here:
Russian Press Derides Concocted Terror Alert
From today's Metro France (yes, even Metro, the International freebie daily):
Yesterday, the majority of Russian newspapers derided the anti-terrorist operations conducted throughout the country a day earlier, questioning whether the alert wasn't in reality a political exercise or maneuver.
It's come to this: the Russians have a freer, more skeptical press than we do.
The Times, they are a changin'.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Good News: War is Obsolete
The Bad News: "Conflict Without End"
In his new book, "The Utility of Force," General Rupert Smith, who served over forty years in the British Army, posits that conventional war--army vs. army and nation vs. nation--is a historical relic, and that since the end of WWII the asymmetrical, guerrilla war of occupier vs. insurgency has become the new paradigm of conflict.
Korea, Algeria, Vietnam, El Salvador, Afghanistan, Iraq: behold the war that is not war.
In the new paradigm, General Smith argues, war does not lead to victory and peace. Rather, confrontation leads to conflict, which subsides into confrontation. The weapons, instead of cruise missiles, are machetes, AK-47 assault rifles and suicide bombers. Only carefully defined and tightly intertwined political, diplomatic and military missions can hope to be effective, if only temporarily. That’s another feature of the new paradigm: No war, but no peace either, only conflict without end.And at the Pentagon?
Even though today the Armed Forces can't recruit enough soldiers or adequately equip those already in uniform, the Pentagon is committing itself to massive corporate contracts for new high-tech weapons systems slated to come on-line years, even decades, from now, guaranteed only to enrich their makers.A sampling of the cool new toys:
The same Army that can't provide the basics of modern war is now promising the Future Combat Systems network (FCS), a "family of systems" that will enable soldiers to "perceive, comprehend, shape, and dominate the future battlefield at unprecedented levels." The FCS network will consist of a "family" of 18 manned and unmanned ground vehicles, air vehicles, sensors, and munitions, including: eight new, super-armored, super-strong ground vehicles to replace current tanks, infantry carriers, and self-propelled howitzers; four different planes and drones that soldiers can fly by remote control; and several "unmanned" ground vehicles. And of course eventually robot armies.The Air Force wants new generations of fighters and bombers that will fly into low earth orbit and change color and shape, all so that it can remain technologically ahead of itself in a surreal, multi-billion-dollar game of Chase Your Own Tail. And of course the Navy wants stealth ships and the top brass want space weapons most of all--what a surprise, that.
Apparently, WW III will look something like a cross between World of Warcraft and the battle scenes from "The Terminator." Wouldn't it be ironic if it were to be waged by President Schwarzenegger?
The Founding Fathers were indeed wise men. I used to think it was an anachronistic folly, but only the Second Amendment will keep us free.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Iraq: Frogs in a Pot
From Digby at Hullabaloo, the realization that US Special Forces may be fomenting violence in Iraq, just as was done in El Salvador (and in Egypt, Iran, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela...). Deja vu all over again.
I have only the greatest respect for Digby--he writes wonderfully and goes further than most mainstream bloggers in challenging the conventional wisdom--but even he holds an obdurate, rationalist naivete about just what makes this world go round.
Of course the US government is spreading chaos in Iraq, but even if they are not actively doing so, the entire way in which the war was conceived and executed to date is incontrovertible proof that there was never any real US interest in fostering stability in Iraq. Once they were ignited, the fires would fan and spread on their own. We should recognize that it's in the interest of those really in power to stay. Just look at those bases they've built. As long as Iraq is dysfunctional, we can't pull out. That's the point.
Digby came to his conclusion of suspicion after Googling the subject of special forces in Iraq. I would encourage everyone to also Google these phrases: "false-flag terrorism" and "ordo ab chao (order from chaos)."
We need to wake up. We're deep through the looking glass here, and Iran and Syria are next. We need only refer to the administration's handy atlas to the Middle East, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," what I call the PNAC agenda, for the roadmap. ( And no, it's not from Rand-MacNally.)
In a nutshell, here's the route we're on: you take a sharp right turn at the WTC, then keep going straight until you reach Armageddon.
Digby concludes his post by saying, "I wish I didn't believe this could be true..."
The first thing we've got to do is stop acting like jilted lovers when we ponder the US government.
We are all rational, sensible people. We go to work, we love our families, we respect the law and our fellow human beings, we pay our bills and taxes. We hope for a better, fairer world and a brighter future.
Well, pardon my French but those in real positions of power are the most corrupt and cynical of bastards and believe they are above the laws, and use our well-meaning, blinkered belief system to their advantage. Simply because we cannot conceive that they would do such things doesn't mean they don't actually do them.
Sorry to rant here, but it's this "normal" mindset that has allowed us to have been pushed this far. We are the proverbial frogs in the pot on the stove.
Again, we need to wake up. Google is a great alarm clock.
Monday, January 15, 2007
George W. Bush: Their Pet Goat
"We seem to be moving, drifting, steadily against our will--against the will of every race and every people and every class--towards some hideous catastrophe. Everyone wishes to stop it, but they do not know how."
Winston Churchill, April 13, 1937
Churchill's words, spoken on the eve of World War II, resonate even more profoundly today. They can be applied to any number of gathering storms--to environmental degradation and global warming; to globalization and the impoverishment of the Western middle class; to terrorism and the loss of Constitutional liberties in the United States; to the Bush administration's Strangelovian determination to broaden its Middle East conflagration to Iran and Syria, following the PNAC agenda, and the open talk of using tactical nuclear weapons to achieve these ends; and, finally, I would add to the Bush administration itself.
I believe the root causes of this relentless tow "towards some hideous catastrophe" are not pure happenstance or random drift. There are larger forces in action, determined groups, very real agendas, if only rarely glimpsed, and they find their nexus in the secret government of the United States. They are two overlapping groups: secret societies and the military industrial complex. Their doubled aims and their raison d'etre are the effacement of what they view as the insane experiment of creating a republic of free men, embodied in the US Constitution, and the militarization of American society, the better to control the American (and world) population and confront the alien question.
With the administration of George W. Bush, these players have boldly advanced their agenda, in what for all the world looks like an endgame. Like the relentless march toward World War II, it seems the Bush administration cannot be checked by any counterforce. Bush himself has nothing really to do with this. He is the puppet of and cheerleader for his masters--the most blatantly obvious Presidential marionette of all--and that he attained the office of President, twice, in successive rigged election/putsches, shows the utter disdain the true powers controlling America have for the public and for world opinion. They are literally thumbing their noses at us as they erect their unitary executive and their police state, using this pathetic boy-king as their posterboy.
We see the unease everywhere; it is even starting to appear in the mainstream media, even though 90% of the MSM is under the firm control of but five corporations. Throughout the blogosphere, the claxons have been ringing for years; political commentators--moderate, liberal and libertarian, in short all those not obviously allied with these authoritarian/totalitarian elements--document with growing concern and rage the increasing dangers and the mounting threats. However, they cannot break free of the "established order" of the staged clash of left and right, of liberal and conservative, of Democrat and Republican. They cannot see the forest for the trees. They attribute the administration's motives to hubris, incompetence, and warmongering; but they do not see the bottom of the iceberg, these networks of power and influence and their insidious agenda. Once revealed, the current, seemingly insane moves toward war with Iran become perfectly explicable, the clash inevitable. Likewise, every other move of this administration--from Katrina to the GWOT to the dismantlement of objective science--fall into place as well.
George W. Bush, Bigger Patsy than Oswald
I return to Bush, that pathetic idiot manchild. Several independent reports (see Webster Tarpley & the 911 Timeline below) indicate that Bush had no involvement in plotting 9/11 and that indeed he was a target of the conspirators--if he did not join their cabal and become its cheerleader, then he would be disposed of. There was no downside: assassinating Bush on 9/11 would have completely demoralized America and installed an active conspirator in power. In any event, it was seen to it that Bush was publicly humiliated and made to feel the full extent of his superfluousness and expendability that morning. Shock and Awe indeed.
Look anew at those infamous nine minutes in the Florida classroom. Think about why the President was set amid first-graders, reading The Pet Goat, when he learned of the second jet hitting the second WTC tower. Ponder the importance of stagecraft in the modern Presidency, and consider Bush's 9/11 stage. Think of his immobility, his rising panic, the fear and dumbfoundment on his face. Think about why his handlers, in flagrant contravention of all Secret Service emergency protocols, purposefully left the President of the United States publicly exposed for over 40 minutes after the gravest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Consider why he then pointlessly wandered across the nation in Air Force One for the rest of the day.
All this was no coincidence. Bush was the patsy, the pet goat, and soon enough he would be given his ultimatum--when Air Force One was in the air, denied fighter escort for nearly two hours: Become chief cheerleader for the 9/11 cabal or become another among thousands of victims of that brilliant mastermind in an Afgan cave. Bush was then flown to Offutt AFB in Nebraska, home of the US Strategic Command and operational center for Global Guardian--the most important of the astounding 20-odd "war games" exercises organized by the Pentagon and held on that most coincidence-laden morning (Global Guardian anticipated a Russian nuclear strike and raised US military alert status to DEFCON 3; all strategic nuclear weapons were at hair-trigger readiness).
It is no surprise that the first foreign leader to speak with Bush after the attacks was Russia's President Putin, as Russia was well aware of the sudden and threatening change in US force posture. Apparently Bush informed him that the Strangelovians were now in control and that the PNAC agenda was going to be implemented, and that if Russia didn't accede to America's Middle Eastern agenda, then Global Guardian would no longer be a game.
In yet another set of absurdities and coincidences to add to an already overflowing basket, Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world and who is now disconcertingly interested in "loose nukes," was also at Offutt that morning, hosting a "charity benefit" with business leaders, a number of whom otherwise would have been working in the WTC. I can't think of any location more conducive to charity, or a more congenial setting for the Morgan of our day to host a power breakfast, than the US Strategic Command HQ in eastern Nebraska--except perhaps Windows on the World. What on earth did they all talk about when the Pet Goat made his courtesy call?
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
9/11 Clearinghouse
First, a word on the photo: note the now-infamous demolition squibs shooting out of the WTC, caused by major detonations of the central columns in roughly 20-story increments, as above secondary charges pulverize the tower, bringing it down at free-fall speed.
September 11th was an inside job, the third US coup d'etat after the Kennedy assassination and the first George W. Bush administration, and if possible it was even more destabilizing and insidious than JFK's murder.
Like many, after the initial shock of events, I hadn't given 9/11 much serious thought until I read of the results of a recent Zogby poll showing nearly half of Americans and well over 60% of New Yorkers believe the US government is somehow involved in the conspiracy. Those are shocking numbers.
So I began to Google and indeed the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. The government's cover-up relies upon media collusion and mass apathy, but 9/11 must not be allowed to stand, as it is the base of the present regime's "legitimacy," the staggering treason that underpins their fascist agenda.
Fletcher Prouty--CIA liaison and man of conscience--penned words concerning the JFK assassination that find new relevance today: "Almost everyone who has taken the time to do any reading and thinking about that crime knows this is a game for the biggest stake of all--absolute control of the government of the United States of America; and, with control of this government, control of the world. And yet the real crime underlying all of this has not even been identified, stated, and charged. The real criminals still walk the streets, run their corporations, control their banks, and pull strings throughout their political and financial machines."
Following are links to the best online websites and video presentations concerning the events of September 11, 2001.
The Complete 911 Timeline: Compilation of all journalistic media accounts of 9/11; a massive undertaking.
Loose Change, 2nd Edition: A 90-minute documentary that concisely marshals the basic facts about what really happened on 9/11. Clear and straightforward, highly recommended.
The American Scholars Symposium, Los Angeles, 8 July 2006. Organized by Alex Jones, a panel discussion about 9/11 and the false-flag terrorism it embodies.
The WTC Towers
South Tower Collapse. A short (-2 min.) slow-motion video of the beginning of the South Tower's collapse, showing jetting plumes and flashes as cutter charges are set off in the impact area. Also, note that the 20 uppermost floors--a massive structure in and of itself--initially intact and toppling at an angle, simply explodes in mid-air. What more proof does one need?
911 Mysteries: A 90-minute documentary examining the collapse of the three WTC towers. Clear, straightforward presentation, though the narrator has a banal delivery. Nonetheless highly recommended for its content.
9/11: Scientific and Ethical Questions, by Prof. Steven Jones. Jones, a physicist at BYU, is the leading scientific proponent of controlled demolition. Compelling for anyone who is not afraid to think.
Interview with Prof. Steven Jones. A straightforward digest of the physical evidence of controlled demolition of the WTC towers. Prof. Jones is in many ways the epitome of the mild-mannered professor--cautious, logical, and relying upon sound evidence for his deductions--and thus his concluding statements in this video are absolutely chilling.
WTC 7 Collapse
Alex Jones on the collapse of WTC Building 7. The collapse of WTC 7 on the afternoon of 9/11 is the most outrageous element of the 9/11 conspiracy. Here Jones has every right to express his indignation., a website documenting the controlled demolition of WTC Building 7, command and control center for the 9/11 attacks.
The Plotters
Facing 9/11 Truth, a lecture by Webster G. Tarpley, Seattle, April 2006. An expert on false-flag terrorism, Tarpley lays out the whys and the hows of rogue government involvement in 9/11. A brilliant exposition; should not be missed.
TerrorStorm by Alex Jones. Jones is a courageous, in-your-face provocateur to power and researcher into secret societies and conspiracies, and here explains 9/11 as a government-sponsored terrorist event: the foundational event in the Global War on Terror--by Western governments against their own populations.
Hijacking Catastrophe, A half-hour video explaining the geopolitical benefits--among them, permanent US bases in Iraq and Afganistan and dominance of the Caucusus Basin--that the self-inflicted wound of 9/11 permitted. Ask yourself, "Who benefits most?," and you will find the perpetrator.
Monday, January 8, 2007
The Antikythera Mechanism: The World's First Analog Computer, ca.140 BC
Here we stray into Erich von Daniken territory: a shipwreck near Crete over 2000 years old yields technology so advanced it would not be rivaled for over a thousand years. The Antikythera Mechanism is so advanced it leaves all who study it in wonderment, unable to explain its existence. I must admit, I love this stuff.
The mechanism explores the relationship between lunar months -- the time it takes for the moon to cycle through its phases, say, full moon to full moon -- and calendar years. The gears had to be cut precisely to reflect this complex relationship; 19 calendar years equal 235 lunar months.To state the obvious, how on earth did the ancient Greeks, lacking astronomical instruments, even know of the moon's elliptical orbit? How did they even know of planetary orbits at all?
By turning the gear mechanism, which included what [Prof.] Edmunds called a beautiful system of epicyclic gears that factored in the elliptical orbit of the moon, a person could check what the sky would have looked like on a date in the past, or how it would appear in the future.
The mechanism was encased in a box with doors in front and back covered with inscriptions -- a sort of instruction manual. Inside the front door were pointers indicating the date and the position of the sun, moon and zodiac, while opening the back door revealed the relationship between calendar years and lunar months, and a mechanism to predict eclipses.
And how did they manage to measure that orbit with such precision that they could build an Ancient Cartier Mystery Clock that would reliably predict lunar cycles and eclipses in perpetuity?
Black Holes: Don't Try This at Home, Kids
The latest on black holes here.
The money quote:
"The world's largest particle accelerator, the European Large Hadron Collider, is set to begin operations this year, and some think the extremely violent collisions it will generate can and will create tiny black holes."
Tiny black holes--that's like being a little dead. I may not be Einstein, but I really, really don't think this is a good idea.
If sometime around Labor Day you suddenly get sucked into a time-space singularity, you'll know who to blame.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
The O'Hare UFO:
Target of Ridicule by Our Media Circus
The power of secrecy, disinformation, and the fear of ridicule has effectively blocked ET disclosure in the US. Apathy, disinterest, media collusion, and the ingrained belief that only government can certify the reality of ET visitation and contact creates a remarkable national dissonance, where over half the public believes in UFOs and ETs but the subject itself, taboo in the MSM, hovers at the outer limits of the national psyche, reserved for children's toys and Hollywood fantasies.
When UFO/ET events do break into the MSM, they are invariably reported as inherently suspect, and badly reported at that. A perfect case in point is the recently publicized sighting of a classic saucer-shaped craft seen hovering some twenty minutes over the United Airlines terminal at O'Hare airport at about 4:30 on the afternoon of November 7, 2006. The craft was seen by a number of United pilots and ground personnel, approximately a dozen of whom reported the UFO to supervisors and the FAA. Several pilots have been recorded speaking with air traffic controllers, wanting to know if the craft had appeared on their radar screens (reportedly it had not, but this information comes from the same FAA that initially denied the existence of these very conversations.)
Originally reported by the Chicago Tribune on January 1st, 2007, the sighting was, surprisingly, taken up by a number of major media outlets--CNN, CBS News, and Fox News among them. But this rare media coverage only occurred because the case, lacking photographic or radar evidence--simply the testimony of several commercial pilots and airport personnel--lent itself to an easy, sniggering ridicule pitched to the lizard brain, such as this from Yahoo News: At least one O'Hare controller, union official Craig Burzych, was amused by it all. "To fly 7 million light years to O'Hare and then have to turn around and go home because your gate was occupied is simply unacceptable," he said.
Among all the major media, only the initial Chicago Tribune reporter, John Hilkevich, seen here in a Tribune video report, gave a thorough, balanced and convincing report of the incident, well worth viewing. He was of course virtually alone, and the media soon closed ranks to simplify, distort and debase the story, ensuring that, when distributed nationally, it would hold content worthy of a sidebar on USA Today's gossip page. The inverse trajectory of plummeting information vs. rising controversy and widening audience defines media manipulation over time. The first, local reports of unusual events are virtually always the most thorough and truthful; often they are breaking news and so initially escape corporate/governmental censorship. Later iterations inevitably, as here, become caricatures of actual news reports--the informational equivalent of Wonder bread.
The media duly incorporated the government's disinformation--hoary theories of temperature inversions and funny atmospherics that are nearly as old as Roswell itself--to supplant the eyewitness accounts in the initial news reports. Though the sighting occurred well before 5 pm, with a cloud ceiling at 2000 feet, the FAA spokesperson attributed the sighting to lights bouncing off low clouds at night, though it was neither night nor was the object described by any witness as glowing or emitting light of any kind. Of the later print reports, only that of CBS News bothers to cite an actual eyewitness description and offer evidence of the FAA's blatant distortion and dishonesty:
"I tend to be scientific by nature, and I don't understand why aliens would hover over a busy airport," said a United mechanic who said he saw the object while taxiing a Boeing 777 to a maintenance hangar. "But I know that what I saw and what a lot of other people saw stood out very clearly, and it definitely was not an [Earth] aircraft."
The witnesses, who all spoke to the Tribune under condition of anonymity, said they had a difficult time finding the object as it flew through dense clouds. Witnesses also said the object created an open hole of clear air in the cloud layer that disappeared a few minutes after it passed through the clouds.
The FAA initially denied there were any reports of a UFO sighting, but later backtracked after a Freedom of Information Act filed by the newspaper revealed the call by the United supervisor to the FAA.
I cite this incident as a recent but not at all extraordinary example of sixty years of MSM complacency and complicity in promoting UFO/ET disinformation on those rare occasions when it publishes on the topic at all. Here is an audio link for those who wish to hear extensive, unedited testimony from the mechanic cited above, a prime witness to the incident.
Literally dozens, if not hundreds of other compelling cases are reported each year, but none of them will reach your newspaper or television screen. And you can rest assured that, if decent photographs or actual radar records surface to corroborate the O'Hare sighting, you will not learn about them in follow-up reports in the MSM. At that point the sighting will have long ago slid down the memory hole, replaced by the latest antics of Paris Hilton and the Bush twins.
Update: here are the latest photographs to surface, not yet verified.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Space Shuttle Video, Part II:
Entities Inhabiting Near Space
Perhaps even more incredible than the fact that ETs and alien craft exist is the evidence of two distinct, quite probably biological, entities captured by the shuttle's video cameras on numerous occasions.
The first of these entities, known to many researchers as "spheres" or "critters," are best seen teeming about a 12-mile-long broken tether during STS mission 75. The tether was attached to a $100 million satellite launched by the shuttle Columbia in an experiment to capture electricity from the ionization of the long tether/antenna. Due to miscalculations, the energy captured was much more than anticipated and caused the tether to break free from the shuttle and drift off into space.
At about 70 to 100 nautical miles from the shuttle Columbia, the ionized tether attracts a huge swarm of remarkable, pulsating entities, which teem about it like fish rising to be fed in an aquarium. NASA astronauts and mission control describe the show as "debris" and "a couple of star-like things and a lot of things swimming in the foreground." Since we know that the tether is 12 miles long and can clearly see that many of the UFO/entities pass behind the tether, and fall in and out of focus with the tether itself, we can estimate the diameter of the largest at 2-3 miles across.
For those skeptics who would argue that these images represent the "airy disk" phenomenon of optical refraction, here is a very clear piece of video from the mission showing both the airy disk effect and the entities in the same frame. Apparently, the cameraman/astronaut here purposely creates the airy disk phenomenon while recording the "spheres" to allow comparison and to foreclose exactly this explanation.
These entities do not look to be manufactured and may be organic in origin. They have consistent, but irregular amoeboid shapes, a dark center, and a clear notch and flange at their edge. They pulsate with electromagnetic energy that manifests itself in a spiral pattern and that has been provocatively analyzed by ufo researcher David Sereda in this extensive investigation, "Evidence: the Case for NASA UFOs," Part 1 and Part 2.
Indeed, John Glenn witnessed "space fireflies" in his first orbital flight, as have astronauts in subsequent space flights, and NASA representatives later admitted that they had theorized that what came to be known as "John Glenn's fireflies" were living entities. Here we see at least a hundred of them, swarming around NASA's tether experiment, quite possibly attracted to its high electrical charge like moths to a flame. A number of other shuttle clips also capture these entities, NASA's fabled "space dust."
"The Second Phenomenon"
Unlike spheres, these entities are nearly invisible, and usually are far less than a meter in length. They appear as varicolored traces or "scratches" in shuttle videos, and move at such high speeds that they are nearly invisible to the naked eye. However, shuttle astronauts have witnessed and commented upon them, and extensive discussion and footage of this second space phenomenon is presented in Martyn Stubbs' Shuttle video documentary.
These second entities seem to be virtually pure energy, and can only be seen when they decrease their fantastically high velocities to investigate foreign objects such as the shuttle. They seem to ping about the craft and rebound nearly instantaneously at acute angles, losing virtually none of their incredible speed in the process.
Stubbs discovered this phenomenon while analyzing over 400 hours of shuttle video footage, much of it frame by frame, and has found they appear in most shuttle videos. When he brought his findings to the attention of NASA and Canadian space program representatives, they were simply flabbergasted. Unprepared for something they themselves had never noted--a phenomenon that could not be explained away as space debris, camera refractions or space dust--these scientists were forced to acknowledge both the phenomenon's existence and their total inability to explain it.
The "second phenomenon" has a certain relationship to so-called "rods." UFO researcher Jose Escamilla first claimed to have discovered rods in normal, earthbound videos, though I do not believe that what he has captured are indeed some new life form. I rather believe the evidence that they are fast-moving insects and birds caught and blurred by the relatively slow shutter speeds of camcorders. (Several images of Escamilla's rods and Trevor James Constable's much more compelling ameoboid "critters," captured with infrared-sensitive film, appear in this trailer for his rather overwrought film, "UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied"). You can find more about Escamilla's rods, and judge for yourself, here.
The Best Visual Proof of UFOs:
The Space Shuttle Footage, Part I
Until the late 1990s, NASA's space shuttle video footage was transmitted unscrambled except during the military components of missions. Thousands of hours of video were broadcast via satellite downlink, and luckily several people, among them Martyn Stubbs, a cable station manager in Vancouver, BC, had the means and the determination to record dozens of complete shuttle mission video transmissions.
Once analyzed--notably, Mr. Stubbs compiled a complete, multi-year record of STS mission footage (a digest is presented here in documentary form)--the results yield a wealth of staggering evidence, not only of traditional UFOs, but also of two other phenomenona that indicate that earth's near space is inhabited by two as-yet unrecognized life-forms. I will post on these two phenomena later, but for now I will only present evidence of "normal" UFOs.
Traditional UFOs are well-documented on Stubbs' videos, as well as on transmissions recorded by others, and a few short samples (each less than 3 minutes long) of UFO maneuvers that defy the laws of our physics are shown in the following links. UFOs exhibiting incredible speeds and abrupt turns at high velocity, UFOs with the ability to materialize and dematerialize at will, and precisely structured UFO formations have all been captured by the shuttle's video cameras.
The Mir Flyby: "Where's Waldo?" In Orbit
The infamous Mir flyby footage is almost as comical as it is staggering, and demands special comment.
As the Mir approaches the shuttle Columbia, both the shuttle astronauts and mission control simply cannot locate the Russian space station among the literally hundreds of objects swarming earth's near space. The footage looks for all the world like a drop of pond water viewed under a microscope, with space teeming with "critters." The soundtrack is particularly revealing, as NASA personnel simply ignore the incredible display and painfully struggle to locate the needle of Mir in the UFO haystack.
Objects are recorded entering and leaving the earth's atmosphere at high and low speed, many are slowly drifting, and a good number change speed, luminosity, and/or course--all indicating that these are intelligently controlled craft, not stars or space debris. Also, note the large number of objects appearing in front of the earth, quickly glimpsed against the earth's curvature as the camera pans upward early in the video: the camera operator suddenly realizes that "stars," particularly moving ones, should not be photographed in front of the earth and rapidly pans back to the relative safety of space. Also of special note are the pair of "meteors" that streak past in an arcing formation, exhibiting speeds far beyond the maximum velocity possible for a true meteorite, and that show no sign of disintegrating as they skirt the earth's outer atmosphere; and several UFOs that accelerate out of the earth's atmosphere into space and decelerate as they approach it.
Several general observations should be made about the NASA footage. First, for many years, NASA was willing to transmit these UFO events, uncensored and without comment, knowing that "unauthorized" capture and dissemination would occur. Secondly, it is quite apparent that many of these events were planned to be captured by shuttle cameras, as there are numerous instances when UFOs manifest themselves just after a camera is repositioned or immediately after a camera zooms into a certain area above the earth. This indicates either that NASA is recording secret flights of US DoD ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) and/or pre-arranged rendezvous with alien craft. Thirdly, this disturbing sequence of a UFO in earth orbit suddenly flying off into space, trailed by a beam shot from earth, indicates that the US government has secret space weapons and that it is actively defending earth from certain UFO intrusions. Finally, the several UFO formations or "ballets" captured on shuttle cameras (above, a video still of a hub-and-wheel formation involving nearly a dozen craft) indicate ETs wish to manifest themselves to NASA and the public, as we can assume that the US government prefers that its own ARVs remain a closely guarded secret.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A Conspiracy Nut? Well, Listen to our Presidents
Throughout our history as a nation, our Presidents, from Washington to Kennedy, have felt compelled to speak to the public of the dangers of secret societies and conspiracies. Perhaps we should listen to them.
George Washington openly discusses the existence and influence of secret societies in the founding of the US government in correspondence with the Reverend G.W. Snyder from Mount Vernon in 1798. Washington (himself a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason) rejects the proposition that Illuminati and Freemasons actually controlled the government, but is forthright in acknowledging the infiltration and influence of their adherents in the political parties.
"I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati....It was not my intention to doubt that the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I.
The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Freemasons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or the pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States [i.e., the political parties] may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned."
This blog's title is taken from Woodrow Wilson's comments on the workings of international conspirators, and the citation appears in full on the masthead. More on this subject in later posts.
Of course the most famous of these warnings is Eisenhower's Farewell Speech to the Nation, and his description of the growing power and influence of the military-industrial complex. This speech is well worth viewing in its entirety for several reasons. First, it is shockingly literate and so reminds us of the the profoundly debased level of our current political discourse. Secondly, it neatly delineates and defines the shadowy nexus of military and corporate interests that had already rivaled and was poised to supplant the actual Constitutional government of the United States.
Also, it is crucial to note that Eisenhower does not define the threat that "commands our whole attention and absorbs our very beings" as Communism, but as "a hostile ideology, global in scope, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method." As essentially an honest man, Eisenhower knew full well that Communism was the creation of these hostile ideologues, their useful tool, and he could not in good conscience mislead the American public about the true nature of our enemies.
No less sobering is John F. Kennedy's remarkable and chilling speech before the National Press Club a few months before his assassination. In it, he appeals to the assembled press corps to "help in the enormous task of informing and alerting the American people" to the "ruthless conspiracy" facing the nation.
He states that we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, upon guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed.
Again, one cannot help but be reminded of the high level and seriousness of Presidential discourse, and again remark upon JFK's deliberate avoidance of attributing this conspiracy to the Soviets or Communism. Again, Communism was a useful tool, the creation of other, higher powers.
Finally, it is important to note that Kennedy's is the last such Presidential warning; with his assassination the shadow government took control of Constitutional government, and all subsequent Presidents have been handmaidens to, and servants of, the real, unseen powers that control the United States. This long Presidential silence is deafening.
In The Beginning
To understand the present state of the world and the actions of the US government, no piece of information is more important or fundamental than to realize that UFOs exist. Once you acknowledge the reality of extraterrestrials (ETs) and their complex interactions with both individuals and governments, the inexplicable becomes obvious.
Doubtless I have just lost at least half of potential readers with this simple declaration, but this reaction is exactly what a half century of carefully orchestrated ridicule and disinformation have achieved.
This is a vast field, strewn with outlandish claims and undermined by intense disinformation campaigns, but certain evidence is so compelling that it cannot be discredited or denied.
And yet, despite numerous remarkable incidents--most notably the "Battle of Los Angeles" of 1942, the week of UFO overflights of Washington, DC in 1952, and the "Phoenix lights" in 1997--apathy, media control, disinformation and government resistance leave us in a tawdry, mockery-filled limbo concerning what is simply the most important question of our existence.
And if we were not so culturally blinkered, we would need only look south of our borders to discover a government that has acknowledged the existence of UFOs to its people--albeit under the most extraordinary pressure by the ETs themselves, who overflew the country of Mexico and its Capitol in an unprecedented wave in the spring of 2002, causing enormous public alarm and forcing the government's hand on disclosure.
A note on the photo: From the Mexican Air Force, which released this infra-red camera footage of an overflight of Mexico City by a UFO squadron in May 2004. After a month's long wave of UFOs seen over the Mexican Capitol in the spring of 2002 caused an unprecedented public alarm, the Mexican Government released its records of radar, reconnaissance, and military observations of the craft--formally acknowledging the existence of UFOs to the Mexican people.
However, in the US, disclosure is stymied. The US government, by all accounts, is profoundly involved with, and affected by, the UFO/ET question, and many researchers--and even Western governments such as France--argue that this subject has been the overriding priority of the American government and the prism through which one must view its actions in the postwar years if one is ever to make sense of them.
Despite its flawed selection of witnesses, a few simply dubious, the May 2001 press conference and related testimony assembled by Dr. Steven Greer, head of the Disclosure Project, and held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC is by far the most concise and convincing documentation of the reality of ETs. The press conference is marred by an embarrassing introduction by a bloviating television personality, as well as those aforementioned rogues, but the over four hours of videotaped eyewitness testimony, part 1, and testimony, part 2, by astronauts; military and civilian pilots and air traffic controllers; government officials from NASA, the intelligence agencies, the armed forces, and executive branch agencies; as well as representatives of military contractors, is nonetheless a monumental achievement. These witnesses and their testimony were collected to force Congress to open hearings on the ET question and reveal its existence to the public.
With the events of 9/11 and the political intransigence of the Bush administration, that effort was thwarted. But the testimony--mirroring as it does the undeniably real evidence and the shocking assertions that have always characterized the UFO/ET subject--is overwhelming. The sheer number of witnesses, their station and their willingness to come forward publicly with their information, leaves no doubt of the reality of ETs and their profound impact on our civilization, such as it is.
I will continue to provide links to the most convincing proof of the existence of ETs in an effort to convince the skeptics among us.
I also would counsel skeptics to watch these video testimonies and discount the outlandish reports. Listen to the pilots, the astronauts, the military personnel and contractors, the NASA officials, and those cases with multiple witnesses. Therein lies the solid evidence. However, this is a subject that deals with extraterrestrial visitation of earth. This is a subject of deep mystery, and so some of these outlandish claims are also doubtless true. The point is, we do not know which ones are the truth. This information is withheld from us though it is fundamental to understanding ourselves, our history, and our future.
It is also important for skeptics to realize that UFO studies have moved far beyond the simple documentation of the existence of UFOs and ETs. Efforts are today aimed at demanding that government acknowledge these facts and that a half century of "black ops"--secret, compartimentalized projects involving ET technology and ETs themselves--be brought to light for the benefit of all humanity.
So click on the links, watch the testimony, and make your own conclusions. This is the beginning of understanding our world.